Letter from the President:
Welcome to The Diversity Collegium website. We are glad you are here.
Originally formed on the premise that we can do more together than alone, The Diversity Collegium shares a vision to tap into the power of our diversity and inclusion to transform the spirits, hearts and minds of societies, organizations and individuals to positively impact the quality of life for all human beings. Our membership is comprised of individuals who represent a variety of fields, disciplines, industries and sectors as well as across dimensions of Diversity.
Our Spring 2018 meeting, June 27-29, will be hosted by Zillow Group in Seattle, Washington, U.S.A. One day of our meeting, June 28, will be a “Come Think Together Day”—a day for “think-tank” dialogue with members of the community in which we are meeting. We will be joined by practitioners from a cross section of Greater Seattle’s DEI and Social Justice communities as well as several Collegium Emeritus members, pioneers in Diversity & Inclusion.
Register here <http://bit.ly/June28ThinkTogether>
Seating is limited, please register early! Read
more about this event here
Our goal will be to think through and dialogue about proactive ways to address current diversity, equity and inclusion issues and how together we can build a more inclusive future for our communities and world. Watch for more details coming soon in this space.
Please take time to peruse our website to learn more, access resources and information. We are reviewing content and exploring a variety of ways to ensure timely information and more active engagement through our website. We would value your input and insights.
If you have questions about The Diversity Collegium or would be interested in hosting a “Come Think Together Day,” let us know. We would love to hear from you.
Michael Wheeler
President of The Diversity Collegium