A think tank of diversity practitioners

Collegium Member Sidalia Reel Received Award at UC Berkeley

Sid Reel

Sidalia (Sid) Reel is director of Staff Diversity Initiatives under the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Equity & Inclusion at the University of California, Berkeley.

Sidalia (Sid) Reel, director of Staff Diversity Initiatives under the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Equity & Inclusion at the University of California, Berkeley, received the Chancellor’s Outstanding Staff Award on April 27, 2017.

Vice Chancellor Dr. Na'ilah Suad Nasir announced Sid as the winner of the award and wrote the following to explain the decision:

Sid is a tireless change agent, working to address issues with campus climate and make UC Berkeley a more equitable and inclusive workplace. Sid is recognized for creating the annual NOW conference[LINK to the 2016 report of the conference: , which each year gives hundreds of staff a forum to focus on their career growth.

Additionally, last year she established and co-facilitated the Whiteness, Power and Privilege” study groups, where staff gather monthly to learn more about white identity and its impact on campus and beyond. Recently Sid helped these study groups translate learning to action, crafting a letter of inquiry to UCPD (University of California Police Department) which resulted in study-group members being invited to a swearing-in of officers, and leading to conversations around police training initiatives. Sid was invited to serve on a police hiring committee.

While police killings of African Americans has been drawing national outrage, Sid and her study groups have opened new communication channels that will bear fruit for a long time to come.

Sid is commended for leveraging limited resources by building collaborative partnerships, recruiting volunteers, and mentoring colleagues. Sid’s efforts have been instrumental in building campus commitment to equity and inclusion, and growing the cohort who contribute to this vitally important work. Her leadership is making UC Berkeley a more welcoming, inclusive and supportive environment.

photo of Sid Reel at the NOW Conference

Sid Reel (on the left) with attendees of the 2016 Next Opportunity at Work Conference (NOW), the fourth annual event for UC Berkeley staff. The all-day conference is designed to support staff career development through inspiring keynote speakers, concurrent workshops, and career planning resources. This conference is free and open to all UC Berkeley Staff. http://diversity.berkeley.edu/programs-services/staff/events/2016now.

Sid Reel joined the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Equity & Inclusion in 2008 as the Director of Staff Diversity Initiatives. Berkeley, California is Sid’s home town—she was born and raised there and graduated from Berkeley High School.

As a member of The Diversity Collegium, Sid Reel fills the office of the Secretary and is a member of the Leadership Committee.

More information about Vice Chancellor, Dr. Na'ilah Suad Nasir is available here: http://diversity.berkeley.edu/about/vice-chancellor-nasir/from-the-vice-chancellor