Steve Hanamura
President, Hanamura Consulting, Inc.
Steve Hanamura is president of Hanamura Consulting, Inc., a firm he founded in 1986. Steve brings over 25 years experience to the consulting, coaching, training and speaking profession. He is widely sought after in the areas of leadership development and innovation, managing and leading diversity initiatives, building effective teams, working with people with disabilities and managing personal and organizational change.
Steve has authored two books, In Search of Vision and I Can See Clearly and was a contributing author to Valuing Diversity. He writes journal articles for a variety of publications. He has served as past president of the Portland Chapter of the American Society for Training and Development (now ATD, the Association for Talent Development) and was chair of the board with the Oregon Commission for the Blind for six years. He is an emeritus member of the Diversity Collegium, a group of thought leaders in the field of diversity.
His client base is wide and varied serving corporations (large and small), local and national government agencies, educational systems and non-profit businesses. He is often called upon to deliver keynote speeches around the country.
In 1998 Steve brought together youth and adults for Bridging the Generation Gap, a conference sponsored by his firm. Dusty Baker, then manager of the San Francisco Giants, was the keynote speaker for this event that was designed to build and promote respect and productivity between the generations.
Among Steve’s professional honors is the Multi-Cultural Network Trainer of the Year presented by the American Society for Training and Development. He was recognized as one of forty diversity pioneers in the July/August 2007 edition of Profiles in Diversity Journal and has received the Meritorious Service Award for the President’s Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities. Also, he was privileged to be one of the Torchbearers for the 1996 Olympics.
Steve received his master’s degree from the University of Oregon and his Bachelor’s degree from Linfield College. Though blind, he enjoys running and is an avid sports fan. He and his wife, Becky, live in Beaverton, OR and have 3 adult sons.
Contact Information
Hanamura Consulting, Inc
6070 SW Chestnut Ave
OR 97005
Phone: (503) 297-8658
Web site: www.hanamuraconsulting.com
Email: sh@hanamuraconsulting.com
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/pub/dir/Steve/Hanamura